Critical Evaluation Of Article

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Critical Evaluation of Article

Critical Evaluation of Article

This piece of writing documents an academic critique of research article named Taking Account of the Macro in the Micro-Politics of Family Viewing - Generational Strategies by Carol MacKeogh. My critique and evaluation of the article is a direct analysis of the studies in the article and is footed on my perceptive of these types of studies from my interests in Education. My aim is to develop a logical and systematic argument footed on the level to which these researches exemplify the characteristics.

The document tries to build a unified and cohesive account which not only illustrates the specifications of the study but which also devises a lucid analysis of that investigation right through. The title itself provides the insights of the study. It clearly indicates what the study is all about.

Aim of the Article and Its Implications

The title clearly mentions the goal of document and abstract further allows the reader to get clear view of what the reader can extract after reading the document. Abstract is highlighting the focal points of the issue. It gives hints and prompt illustrations of the approaches made in the article to explore the objective. The article makes use of Bourdieu's concept of habitus to target its objective. The study explores one of the very significant issues in outstanding way. The article directs parents, adolescents and families as viewers. It targets these audiences and will provide profound insights to people actually looking into macro and micro political dimension of viewing. This is incredibly an exceptional feature of the document.

The objective of the investigation is made clear by authors in title, abstract and the introduction, and it is noticeably and openly avowed in the beginning of the report. The article is about the viewing experiences of adolescents within the framework of family setups. It discusses about their viewing experience in relation with the media savvy. The content of the article is designed to tentatively explore the about how the adolescent viewers position themselves as competent viewers. Furthermore it gives profound insights of the control of viewing experience in regards with the ability of youngsters to critically analyze the Television content. Adolscents are most vulnerable to the content of television (Browne and Hamilton-Giachritsis, 2005). According to the author, “Young people are often depicted as a vulnerable audience, and one of the themes of the research was the notion that critical viewing skills might be important for the young person to establish age-status, and an identity of competency in order to counter discourses of vulnerability”. This declaration essentially delineates the principle behind the investigation, it is not an investigation question but an announcement of credence on the part of the investigator; a declaration of credence upon which he sketches in surrounding the focus and purpose of his study. There is no problem statement, but a generalized theme to be explored.

The article targets media industry together with viewers, its implications lies beyond the scope of ...
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