Critical Analysis Of Different Philosophical Views On Education

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Critical Analysis of Different Philosophical Views on Education

Critical Analysis of Different Philosophical Views on Education


We live in an era of moral certainty in the context of pluralist and multicultural societies. It is characteristic of standard practice, social beliefs, and rigorous scrutiny to sustain the attitude of rational scepticism in daily orders of life. Students, parents, and teachers must combat together to acknowledge the power lies at the heart of moral education. Basic observation and recent literature intrigued about the influential aspect of education to let students inclined to think about its virtues and progressions.

The subjective purpose of this writing is to compare the contemporary philosophical views of different scholars to incorporate the most suitable on the Education System of Malaysia. The key elements of this subject focus on educating the virtues to understand the manifestation of perfection and level of individual morality in individuals through analysis of different philosophical statements.

Meaning and Description

Statement 1 - Manifestation of Perfection: Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda was a reformer of India and a great philosophical thinker. Vivekananda signified the man-making model of education and embraced the spiritual oneness of the universe in his philosophy. According to Vivekananda, there is a situation of turmoil and crisis for humanity and mechanization of life is reducing the status from man to machine (Chakrani, 2011). Fundamental principles of civilization are ignorant and social evils are prevalent.

Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man

The objective, purpose or goal of education according to Vedanta is the realization of infinite power and understanding of bliss and consciousness. His analogy of absence of definite goal of pertaining education is contrary to the sculptor with lucid imagination of the structure of marble block. Likewise, a painter may have vibrant knowledge about the proportion of paints, but a teacher failed to stimulate a clear idea about the objective of teaching. His philosophy guards the scheme of man-making education is the lights of his philosophical belief about education(Sen, 2011).. A man with his possession of body and mind lays the essence in his soul. The understanding of this philosophy relates his statement to the nature of the inner self through the eradication of ignorance, ego, and false identification.

Passion for truth and moral purity fortifies the act of meditation. Satchidanada is a subjective experience to describe the pure consciousness and blissful practice associated with the attainment of moral education. Vivekananda also believes that the soul is the indispensable part of the harmonious development for mind and body. Advaita is the functional basis of the philosophy of Vivekananda which sermonize the unity and inclusiveness in diversity. It is the education that realizes the essential unity of the whole universe. He also supports the multidisciplinary approach of a healthy mind, healthy body, and healthy soul. His insights from the literature of Upanishad dictum narrate that physically weak cannot realize the inner self i.e. nayamatma balahinena labhyah(Halperin, 2012).. This explains that isolation of mind and body from the soul is impossible in search of the moral ...
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