Critical Analysis Of An Organisational Structure

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Critical Analysis of an Organisational Structure


Overview of the Organisation2

Type of Organisational Structure2

Advantages and Limitations of the Identified Structure3

Utility of the Organisational Structure4

Key Lines of Authority5

Aspects of the Structure Which Facilitate or Impede Organizational and Group Performance6



Critical Analysis of an Organisational Structure


It is asserted that different organizational structures and design patterns are utilised to organize an organisation to meet the proposed goals and achieve the desired objective (Moynihan & Titley, 2011). To select an appropriate structure, it is necessary to understand that every organisation is different, and may adopt the organizational structure that best suits their needs and priorities (i.e., the structure must engage and respond to planning). Organisational structure also pertains and reflects the situation of the organisation. Organisational structure facilitates or hinders the accomplishment of the mission, vision and objectives of an organisation (French, 2011).

The purpose of this essay is to critically analyse the organisational structure in an organisation associated with the health care sector. The essay initially discusses the type of the organisational structure that is being followed in the selected organisation. It also analyse the manner in which the adopted structure relates to the vision, mission and goals of that organisation. Subsequently, the essay critically comments on the advantages and disadvantages that the adopted structure entails for the organisation being in the healthcare sector. It then includes the utility of the particular organisational structure in terms of facilitating the achievement of the mission and objectives. The essay eventually discusses the lines of authority and the aspects facilitating and impeding the organizational and group performance and potential solutions in the organisation.

Overview of the Organisation

Cambridge University Hospitals is a well known and reputed group of hospitals comprising Addenbrooke's Hospital and the Rosie Hospital. The hospitals in the Cambridge University Hospitals are responsible for the provision of high quality care and treatment pertaining to the general and specialist as well as maternity and women care. It also accompanies research centre and university which offers health related teaching recognised around the world (

The hospital aspires to become one of the leading organisations globally associated with the field of academic healthcare. The organisation exists for the purpose of providing excellence and innovation in the field of healthcare. They do so in three areas including patient care, university teaching and research and development. The organisation adopts a holistic approach which including valuing patients, partners and the staff (

Type of Organisational Structure

Every business has necessarily an organizational structure or form of organization according to their needs (taking into account their strengths), through which to manage activities, processes and whether the operation of the company (French, 2011). It is important to know what kind of organizational structures used by different companies to know why and how they work, which have advantages and disadvantages, which seek to interest each and if they fit the needs of organizations in this way, the work we developed covers the most important aspects of each of the structures of business organization, its implementation and to differentiate adequately ...
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