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Criminal Psychological Profiling


This paper explains the core concept of criminology and contemporary theories of causation. Criminal arrest by the help of Criminal Psychological profiling. This paper also dicuss about the history of profiling explain with the help of examples and case studeis defining the scene of crim and the result came out from.

Table Of Content



History of Psychological profiling5


Relationship between personality and criminal behavior5

Comparison between theories of crime6

Psychological theory7

Biological Theory7


Case Studies9

O.J. Simpson case9

Simpson's civil trial9

Jack the Ripper11



Criminal Psychological Profiling


There is no doubt that the phenomenon of crime and the offense is one of the most dangerous social phenomena that threaten the human race in its security and stability, and even his life. The psychology is the "study of the soul "(psyche, soul and logos, treaty). However, in its contemporary sense can be defined as the science that studies the processes related mental phenomena of behavior, and as in the case of this article, their approach performed considering two key areas: learning and the teaching while Criminology is an empirical and interdisciplinary science that deals with crime, the offender, victim and social control of abnormal behavior (Williams, 2009).

Criminology has a Latin root word, meaning "view", "accusation" or "crime." Criminology is the systematic study of crime and criminals. As two famous criminologists, Edwin Sutherland and Donald Cressey (1978: 3), said, criminology includes "the processes of law, violate the laws, and react to breaking the law." But this has very clear definition of a good debate and diversity in the field of criminology, there is a combined discipline (Dorfman, 2001, 69).

Criminology and Criminological Psychology, also known as tries to find out or know what induced a subject to crime, what is the significance of this behavior for him, why the idea of punishment is not afraid and makes him give up his unlawful conduct. The psychological theory is to clarify its meaning in a historical-genetic (Abadinsky, 2009). A complete analysis of the male offender in itself requires an interdisciplinary work, a job that allows exposure of the habitat of individuals, their family, their culture with different aspects of their processes of enculturation, education, teaching and social organization, from their political, their religion and art.

History of Psychological profiling

Psychological profiling is defined as the examining a criminal actions, purposes and personal history to know about the future indications. It is obvious through many searches that the criminal tend to repeats the crime again and again like rape or killing are stimulated by finely tuned community dread for their behavior and media concentration, that finally turn to their imprisonment. Evaluating the criminal's behavior, day to day routine work, habits and formal procedure help an examiner to draw an outline about the current and previous crime attempts of a criminal. These details are then made available to community so that they could make themselves aware about the criminal.

The psychological profiling was introduced over a century ago, though Americans used it during 1950's profile examiners have used this method to jot down, and to draw an outline of serial ...
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