Criminal Justice System

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Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System


In alignment to hold a safe humanity, it is important to establish a territory with good learning to educate people assessing from right or wrong, excellent police force to keep our road protected, and most of all, a good criminal justice system to carry out the justice. United States is a location with little misdeeds, a nation with pleasant dwellings, attractive sandy shores, and costly shops without property just like what I glimpsed in the American videos in my attitude before I reached here. The very instant I stood in my dream road, Hollywood boulevard, I was alarmed at the scenario. I then realized that this is a location no different from other countries The United States has numerous troubles too, particularly in crimes and its Criminal Justice system.

Features and Process of the System

The major characteristic of the U.S. criminal justice system is the committee system which is found nowhere else in the world except here in the America. The jury system initially was conceived such that a decision of whether a individual is at fault or blameless will not fall only into one individual's hand but a group of persons. This characteristic devotes the U.S. Criminal Justice scheme a allotment of power in a way that in order for 10 persons to acquiesce on a individual being at fault or not, the court should supply sufficient allowance of clues so that no one will be punished by mistake. Furthermore, since the jury assortment is finished so furtively and firm that it is not likely to referee any one in court in the favor of any edge, it is the decision of the jurors who were chosen from regular people to find any at fault or innocent. Although, the foremost flaw of the committee system is that will the defendant get the equitable test if jurors are being prejudice.

As I observe several years in the United States, racism does still exist in the United States unlike what I though before coming here. It is impossible to get a fair trial for African Americans who are being trial in a white neighbor and vice versa. This flaw of this U.S. criminal justice system has origin numerous problems that the jury scheme should be reformed. A rule should habitually be modified and revised along with the change of the time and humanity, and committee system ...
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