Criminal Justice

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Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders

Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders


Good cannot be recognized if there are no bad, crimes and criminals are the words associated with the existence of mankind, and since then, people are putting in efforts to overcome this issue by identifying its causes. Even at the present time crime exist in nearly every society, however, the rate of crime may vary from country to country depending upon the social and economic condition of that country.

Many researchers have focused on identifying the various reasons of crimes among people; although it has been identified that rate of crime can be minimized by stopping young people in doing crime. Several laws have been made in order to find the causes of crime as well as to stop or reduce the rate of crime. In this connection, social condition of an individual has been identified as the focal stimuli, which leads an inexperienced person to commit a crime. Overall this research reflects my personnel observations and opinions, and at the same time, I have tried to cover unusual policies regarding juvenile justice.

Thesis Statement

In this paper, I have discussed the policies formulated by different government of United Kingdom in the past 14 years would be reviewed as to assess the extent to which the policies has appropriately identified social causes of crime among young people also known as juvenile delinquency. Before reviewing and measuring the policies, it is pertinent to discuss here what juvenile delinquency is and what are the social causes which stimulate juvenile delinquency or crime among young people?

Juvenile Delinquency

What I think the term juvenile delinquency refers to the illegal or antisocial attitude or behavior of children or adolescents. Undoubtedly juvenile delinquency has gained much attention since the last century as it noted as growing problems, which is expanding every day. This problem is not only present in UK but also worldwide. Juvenile delinquency is one of the socially disruptive actions to be otherwise prescribed by law and morals created and accepted by society. This is a social phenomenon that threatens public safety living in the society besides legal implications it is against the ethical and moral laws of society. In my opinion Juvenile delinquency is a global phenomenon which extends from the far corners of the industrial cities to the suburbs of large cities and rich or wealthy families to the poorest; this is a problem that occurs in all social strata and every corner of every civilization (Barak, 2004).

The juvenile laws introduced in England nearly a century before, which is to hear the cases of children under a separate law; however, it was not until the late 60s when this area has gathered much attention, and the juvenile laws were followed.

Understanding of Problem

Juvenile crime has increased alarmingly in recent times and becoming an issue of growing social concern generated by both the quantitative increase, for their progressive qualitative hazard. Juvenile crime is also a feature of societies that have reached a certain level of prosperity and, according to ...
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