Criminal Behaviour Among Young People

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Criminal Behaviour among Young People

Criminal Behaviour among Young People

A Young Offender

A young offender can be termed as a young person who has been found guilty or warned for a criminal wrongdoing. A young offender can be of any gender, male or female. In comparison with the adult offenders, young offenders are often handled by criminal justice systems in a different way; however the term 'young offender' is applied in different countries to different age groups relying upon the age of criminal accountability in that country. a persistent young offender is defined by the UK Home Office as a young person lying in the age cohort of 10-17 years who has been sentenced on three or more occasions by any criminal court in the UK for one or more recordable offences and in three years of the last sentencing incidence is afterward in detention or has any information placed against him for more recordable offence.

Age of Criminal Responsibility

The age at which a child is deemed to be guilty for a crime is the age of criminal responsibility. A child cannot be accused with a criminal offence if he/she is under the age of criminal responsibility. There is a variation in the age of criminal responsibility from country to country. The children under ten years of age, in the UK are not given consideration to have arrived at an age where for their crimes, they can be held liable. Children in the age group of 10 to 14 years, in the UK can be accused of a criminal wrongdoing if there is likelihood to provide evidence that the youngster was conscious that he was doing something that was severely wide of the mark. A child is considered to have legal responsibility from 14 onwards, for their misdeeds likewise an adult is. In the type of sentences, there are a number of dissimilarities young offenders receive though. Over recent years, research has found some causes that are expected to augment the possibility of youths getting involved in criminal or felonious acts.

Differences in Offending Between Male and Female Young People

While a small percentage of the juvenile justice population have been historically made up by girls, however, nowadays there is a rise in the offending by girls. For non-violent crimes, the overall number of juvenile delinquency cases is not only on the rise.

Not only is, girls are accounting for a larger proportion of the delinquency pie than they did during the 1980s. While since 1985, overall violent crime by juveniles has decreased, more of those offenses are being committed by girls than they did in 1985. Girls explicated a higher percentage of criminal behavior in 2005 across all four offenses categories i.e. property, person, public order and drugs, as compared to the year 1985 because across that time period, at a greater rate, the number of cases for females increased than those for males. A very small fraction of some of the majority severe types of crimes is made ...
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