Crime Race And Punishment

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Crime Race and Punishment

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Crime Rate is a big problem all time in every country of the world. Every process running in that country directly or indirectly affected by this factor very much. It depends on the geographic, economic, demographic, social and political conditions and structure of the country. As crime rate is depending on these big factors; therefore, reducing the crime rate becomes a very serious and unsolved issue in many countries until now especially in those countries that are large in size either in population or size. Another important factor that leads crime rate up to a very big level is the literacy rate or education level and the justice given to the peoples of any respective country (Wheelock, 2006).

In this paper, we will discuss how crime, race and punishment affect the life of the convicts including the role of society that influence their lives. The paper will also highlight the Criminal sanctions and victimization in American society work to develop a structure of weakness that perpetuates stratification and poverty among the racially segregated convicts. It will also look into the impact of punishment on individuals convicted of felonies, as well as their families and racial group. The recent research highlight that Variation in criminal punishment is linked to economic deprivation. The paper will assess this argument and try to understand how punishment and race can affects the felons including their surroundings.


As stated by Wheelock, the objective of American criminal justice system is to reduce crime level in the country and to take such measures which could put the criminal back on the right track. However, the reality is further than the perceived goal since Criminal sanctions and punishment undertaken by the American government have actually formed a new system of disadvantage that perpetuates stratification and poverty (2006).

In other words, it means that kind of punishments we are giving to the criminals are resulting in their social marginalization and taking them deeper into poverty and stratification. We as a society are making it harder for the criminal to live a normal life once they are out of the prison. As stated by Uggen, once the criminal has completed his punishment we send him back where they face a lot of problems in terms of settling in the society. For instance, there're many societal laws and traditions which restrict them to gain ...
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