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Crime Prevention Program

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Crime Prevention Program


This research report is based on the analysis of the United States crime prevention programs that are being implemented at the state level by the law enforcement authorities or the government authorities or both. In this report I have critically analyzed the effectiveness of one of the primary crime prevention model i.e. Neighborhood Crime Prevention Program.Table of Contents



Primary Crime Prevention4

Secondary Crime Prevention5

Tertiary Crime Prevention5

Neighborhood Crime Prevention Program5

Authorities that can initiate Neighborhood Crime Prevention Program6

Funding of Neighborhood Crime Prevention program6

Mechanism of this program7

Impact of this program on the society8

Effectiveness of the crime prevention program8

Technological advancements in the program8

Crime Prevention Programs9



Crime Prevention Program


An attempt to minimize the victimization and to discourage criminal acts and crimes is known as crime prevention. There are specific programs that are organized and established at a governmental or federal level for stopping the ever exceeding rate of criminal activities. The induction of crime prevention programs help the state in maintaining criminal justice, enforcement of law and control over the illegal activities like fraud, theft, gambling, child abuse etc. This is the result of the crime prevention program that is criminal activities and the victimization rates are declining in a steady way, but still the society's fear and perception of crime is still very high. The participation of the community members and the local law enforcement authorities is the main reason behind the controlled rate of crime.

The crime prevention programs are funded by the government and law enforcement authorities and are effectively helping the society in United States in reducing the crime rate, fear in public and the perception of criminal activities. The criminal activities have been increased due to the globalization as people can perform business activities around the world. This is the main reason that businesses have faced criminal activities such as frauds etc. The main aim of this research report is to highlight the improvements that have been found in United States after the introduction of the crime specific prevention programs. In United States there are many crime prevention programs are running for the benefit of the society and state.


People have taken up many preventive actions at an individual level such as having dogs, through engraving their property, attending self defense courses or placing security alarms for their own security. But still the criminals have come up with new things that have failed all these preventive measures. Actually, we require a system that can brainwash or inculcate positive values in those individuals who have criminal mindsets. The role of community is of great importance in bringing positive change in the mindsets of people (Bennett, 1989).

Primary Crime Prevention

The crime prevention is usually explained by taking support of the medical models. The crime prevention models are based on three types, which are primary, secondary, and tertiary. In all those models the involvement of community is very clear. These prevention models focus on a particular developmental stage of crime. The primary prevention model focuses the conditions that are found in natural environment and ...
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