Crime Interventions

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Crime Interventions and recovery

Junction City

There just having been an election, a new city manager has been appointed. You are the Chief of Police. He calls you to a meeting to discuss the whole question of crime, and the strategies that you propose to adopt to address the issues. He asks you provide him with a written response (your exam).

To understand and begin identifying what are the factors that have led to the differing classes within the society and the reason for this chaos to rise within the state is due to this segregation and class differentiation, which has limited the workability and employment for the people working in the slums, causing for this part of the state to become a low-income, drug-ridden economy.

With no key strategies and tactics for the equal and constructive spreads of funds and finances around the economy, it has become difficult for the people to survive in the country, thus facing endless animosity and sabotage to their lives and property, in a place where no security is being offered. In today's modern world of rapid development and expansion, the key to earning a living has become equivalent to surviving in the jungle. People, organizations, countries and entire continents struggle and survive for earning themselves, if not maximum, substantial amount of resources, in order to cater themselves and the masses residing within their domiciles or vicinities. In such catastrophic times, it seems that people are almost desperate to gain the maximum number of resources, aid and assistance that maybe provided from the affluent and elite existing in the society.

One prompt activity that has been practiced on an iterated basis is called an 'intervention'. An intervention is defined as 'an acting of intersecting and intervening deliberately in a situation, circumstance, event or dispute, which may lead to undesirable outcomes adverse results.' For this purpose, the first and foremost strategy to adopt and reduce the problem Junction city faces is to look for addicts and try to recover them from their current condition, followed by creating key economic opportunities in the other sectors. These economic opportunities would be created after these addicts have been recovered from their current conditions and would be utilized in the development of Junction City.

Methods of Communication

Below are a few steps that need to be undertaken for holding and proceeding towards an intervention:

Don't rescue the addict

Giving out the impression that the addict needs to be saved is one of the biggest mistakes that families generally make during the process of helping the addict recover. People who have victims of substance abuse are in that state of mind only because of their own choice. It is necessary that the moderator or the interventionist should inform and given specific examples to the problems that have hurt you alone or the person who is communicating with the addict. Therefore, it is strongly advised that these individuals need to be guided and highlighted the negative impacts and demerits that have been caused by their behavior and ...
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