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Victims of Crime

Victims of Crime


As the world is becoming heavily populated, it has become a challenge for the people to make their survival with the limited amount of resources available. Every individual is in quest of obtaining the best for himself. This is because the amount of resources available is less than that required by the world population. Moreover, the increase in these resources is considerably less than the rate with which the population is increasing globally. As people are unable to obtain the desired resources they opt for unfair means.

They are more likely to adopt practices that are illegal and hazardous for the society. Such people may exploit anybody to make out their living. They especially target those who can easily be exploited. Such people may adopt different ways to commit crimes. They may engage in practices such as robbery, street crimes or deceits. These people are more likely to seek people who are weak members of the society (Blaxter, Hughes, and Tight, 2010). One such audience that is being exploited in the society is the elderly and disabled people. It has been observed that the elderly and the disabled are being sold equipment that is harmful for use.

Objective of the Study

This study aims at finding out the causes that are leading to increased crime in the society. This means that it seeks to explore and understand the various reasons that are impelling the people to commit crime. It also aims at understanding the reasons behind the target audience that the criminals choose to harm. Moreover, as stated above that the elderly and the disabled are being harmed by these people, this study aims to find out how this group of the society is being exploited. It also aims at finding out the affects of the equipment on these people (Antaki, Billig, Edwards, & Potter, 2002).

Research Questions

The questions that are to be required to be answered in the study are:

What are the causes that are leading to increased crime in the society?

What factors are seen by the criminals while selecting the audience to exploit?

What is the impact of the miss sold equipment on the elderly and the disabled?

What provisions are made by law to overcome this problem?

What is the responsibility of the society in this regard?

Rationale of the Study

This study will help to analyze the factors involved in the increasing crime rate in the society. It will also help to discover the impact of crime on the elderly and the disabled. It will help to understand the laws that have been formulated to overcome the problem and will highlight the responsibility of the society in this regard.

Limitations of the Study

As this is an academic study, it must be completed within a stated time and within a reasonable cost. Therefore, it can be stated that time and cost constraints will be involved in conducting this study.

Research Methodology

In order to conduct this research the method that is being applied is secondary research. Secondary research is the kind of research that ...
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