Creating And Managing Successful It Project Team

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Creating And Managing Successful IT Project Team

Creating and Managing Successful IT Project Team


Working in the teams always produces good results and the synergic impact allows the team members to achieve the goals effectively and within the desired time frame. Similarly, some projects are technical and it involves the selection of those members who have relevant expertise and experience, even though some projects do not give the desired goals. There are many reason attributed to this. Working as a team on IT projects requires comprehensive knowledge and expertise of the team members to achieve the desired outcome. Things become complicated when team members are not clearly communicated about the objectives. That not only negative affect the performance of the team but it causes de-motivation and low level of morale. In this report we will identify the problems faced by the team members and team leader about team performance with regard to Project Turnaround and in the last part, we will find out the possible solutions to avoid such issues.


One of the important aspects of team is the clear communication of targets to be achieved. When one is not communicated properly what his/her targets and what the overall targets of the team it is almost impossible to achieve the desired level. In the case of Extreme Programming, the team members were clueless about their targets. The project was IT based and it involves number of process like Game planning and Pair programming etc. the importance of communication of clear objectives becomes more crucial when the project involves number of different process (, 2008). 

The second issue which is the offshoot of lack of communication of clear goals to team member is the delay in the project completion. It is logical that when team members are not clearly communicated the aims and objectives of the project and not defining the role and responsibility to complete a task in pre-defined then it is difficult to complete the project on time.

The performance of the team is optimized when the team members are motivated and task oriented. But in the case of Extreme Programming, they became de-motivated because they were unable to meet the deadlines. The sense of humiliation surrounded them when they showed their performance at the meeting.

But at the end, they became able to complete the projects. Mistakes always give lessons and by paying attention to them we can improve the performance of the team. Little innovation in the working process of the team can make the big difference. Creativity of handling things differently can improve the performance of the team members. The issues that cause problems for most of the people must be given preference to their solutions. The clear communication of goals and objectives to team members is the essential part of the team performance. The problems that are to be done on urgent basis must be accomplished at first hand. This will also result in the sense of achievement for among team members. One important lesson is that team leader must strive ...
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