Coursework 2

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Culture, Media and Communication

Culture, Media and Communication


There is a culture conveyed by the media whose images, sounds and spectacles help to weave the structure of our daily lives, directing free time, determining political views and social behaviors, and providing the material with which people forge their identity. The radio, television, cinema and other cultural industry products provide the models what it means to be male or female, successful or unsuccessful, powerful or powerless.. The narratives and images in the media provide the symbols; myths and resources that help constitute a common culture for most individuals in many parts of the world today. The culture disseminated by the media provides material that creates identities in which individuals are integrated into contemporary society's tecnocapitalistas, producing a new form of global culture (Kellner, 2003). This paper discusses the significance of media, and how it influences people.


In recent years, research in communication adopted new orientations. Some concerns remain, however, starting to date. One of them common to much of the media research, focuses on the question effects. But even in this area, many changes have been made. Rather as behavioural effects in the short term, we are now looking to influences cognitive cumulative. The present work aims to make a brief statement about the theoretical phenomenon widely known as postmodernism, to show how such strand has discussed the revision of history, expanding the opportunities for discussions in the academies with inserts of previously silenced voices in official discourse

The culture consists of radio systems and sound reproduction (CDs, MP3 and their dissemination tools such as music players, MP3, etc.), films and their distribution modes (cinema, video, presentation on TV ), the media is located the centre of this type of culture. It is a culture image that explores the vision and hearing. The various media favor the visual display, sometimes the hearing, or mix the two senses, playing with a wide range of emotions, feelings and ideas. Media culture is industrial; where the material is produced for a mass audience according to genres, that are based on formulas, codes and conventional norms. It is therefore a form of commercial culture, and its products are commodities that try to attract private profit produced by giant corporations who are interested in the accumulation of capital (Jenkins, 2012). This traditions craves large audience, so it should be echo issues and current concerns, being extremely topical and presenting data hieroglyphic of contemporary social life. But the media culture is also a high-tech culture, which explores the latest technology. It is a vibrant sector of the economy, the most lucrative, and is reaching global dimensions. So it is a way of techno-culture that blends culture and technology in new ways and settings, producing new types of society where the technology and media guide people on how to live.

Media and society

It can be affirmed that the culture of the media is a battle where the major social groups fight for supremacy, and people are the ones that are the ...
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