Business Coursework 2

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Business Coursework 2

Business Coursework “Good” promotion on TV and one “Good” promotion in a newspaper

Promotion on TV

For any product on the market promotion is the key aspect of a successful product. Advertising is the main means of promotion. Advertising can come in different formats the TV, Newspaper, magazines, Radio, Internet etc. Advertising help a product sell and makes customers aware that such product exists. It costs companies a lot to advertise however to have success in sales advertising must be good. The purpose of advertising is to inform customer about a new product to persuade them to buy the product and to remind the customers where the product can be purchased.

Focusing on the unique aspect of the product theme (Halal food that is healthy and nutritious), a mix of marketing vehicles will be created to convey the presence, the image and the message.

Print media -- local newspapers, magazines and student publications

Broadcast media -- local programming and special interest shows

Hotel guides, concierge relations, Chamber of Commerce brochures

Direct mail/Internet -- subscriber lists, offices for delivery

Miscellaneous. -- yellow pages, charity events

Print media


The advertisement has size and shape, and can be as large as necessary to communicate as much information as you need.

The distribution of the message can be limited to the geographic area.

Fast closings - the advertisement created can be in the consumers hands in a matter of days.

Readers are highly involved so they will likely pay more attention to the advertisement.

Magazines have a targeted audience, so ads won't be wasted on uninterested individuals.


Advertisement must compete for attention against many others.

The short shelf life of newspapers means the ad will likely be thrown away the next day.

Newspapers do not allow you to narrow down a target market, therefore you pay to send your message to people who will probably never be interested in buying your products or services.

Broadcast media


Most people listen to the radio at some point during the day, whether it's at home, work, or on the road.

Most radio stations provide you with demographics of their audiences, so you can target your message to the appropriate market.

T.V. Permits you to reach great numbers of people on a national, regional, or local level.

Independent stations and cable now offer opportunities to advertise to a specific market.

Over 80% of the UK population watch TV everyday.


If listeners miss part of the advert, they can't refer back to it.

Radio is a background medium. Most listeners are doing something else at the same time, which means your ad has to work hard to be listened to and understood.

Because radio listeners are spread over many stations, to totally saturate your market you have to advertise simultaneously on many stations.

Preferred slots are often sold out far in advance. (TV)

Creative and production costs are high. (TV)

Below the line promotion

Below the line promotion refers to advertising that does not rely on large scale media such as TV or Radio. Forms of this are direct mailing, exhibitions and trade fairs, sales promotions and product placing. In the case of Pakanawa it would ...
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