XMLTV is a set of programs to obtain and process TV (tvguide) listings and manage your TV viewing. It stores the listings in an XML-based format and most of the programs are filters which read and/or write XML. It includes tools to obtain, sort, grep, print, and munge listings, and two end-user programs to plan a week's TV viewing.
Text Processing Markup XML Games/Entertainment Home Automation
Operating Systems
POSIX Windows Windows Windows
a popular XML based file format for describing TV listings.
a perl module that helps to create XMLTV formatted documents.
a collection of tools to obtain, manipulate, and search TV Listings.
These are all managed at XMLTV.ORG, but there are many applications that use the XMLTV file format. In order to provide a clearer picture of the sort of applications our architecture aims for, we will describe the two application scenarios which are to be implemented as demonstrators within the NECA project.
In the eShowRoom scenario a car sales dialogue between a seller and one or more buyers is simulated. The purpose of this demo is (basically) to entertain the site visitor and to embed product information into a narrative context similar to TV commercials nowadays. User interaction is restricted to setting general parameters prior to the display. These parameters include the user's preferences in respect to different value dimensions, e.g. on how important aspects like sportiness, prestige or environ- 2 IST-2000-28580, http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/NECA/ mental issues are for the user. After having specified these preferences, a scene is generated which takes these settings into account: The agents/interlocutors will put special emphasis on conveying information about those aspects, which have been classified as being of importance for the user. The visitor can also specify the personality traits of the agents, i.e., their agreeableness and politeness, to influence the style and the course of their conversation. ...