Corporate Social Responsibility

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined as business behaviours based on ethical values and principles of transparency to include a strategy of continuous improvement in the relationship between the company and its parts, a relationship that includes customers, suppliers, partners, consumers, the environment, communities, government and society in general. (Woolcock and Narayan 2000, pp.225-249) It is a business strategy focused on increasing profitability, competitiveness and sustainability, serving as part of a new model of sustainable development. The CSR concept can incorporate human rights, anticorruption measures, the environment, working conditions and activities within communities through partnerships with civil society organisations. (Carroll 2009, pp.268-295)

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be defined as the active and voluntary contribution to improving social, economic and environmental factors by companies, usually with the aim of improving its competitive position and its value. The performance evaluation system throughout the organisation in these areas is known as the triple bottom line. Under this concept of administration and management encompasses a set of practices, strategies and business management systems that seek a new balance between economic, social and environmental.

Organizations ahave athousands aof alawful aresponsibilities aruling anearly aevery afacet aof atheir aprocedures, aencompassing abuyer aand amerchandise aregulations, aenvironmental aregulations, aand apaid awork alaws. aThe aethical aresponsibilities aanxiety asocietal aanticipations athat aprecede aafter athe aregulation, afor aexample athe aanticipation athose aassociations awill aperform atheir aactivities ain aan aequitable aand ajust away. aThis aentails athat aassociations aare aanticipated ato amanage amore athan ajust aobey awith athe aregulation, abut afurthermore amake aproactive aefforts ato aforesee aand arendezvous athe anorms aof asociety aeven aif athose anorms aare anot aformally aenacted ain alaw. aFinally, athe adiscretionary aresponsibilities aof acorporations amention ato asociety's aanticipation athat aassociations abe agood acitizens. aThis amay aengage asuch athings aas aphilanthropic asupport aof aprograms abenefiting aa acommunity aor athe anation. aIt amay afurthermore aengage apledging aworker aknow-how aand atime ato aworthy acauses a(Bowen a2004 a51).


The aenvironment aand ascope aof acorporate asocial aresponsibility ahas aaltered aover atime. aThe anotion aof aCSR ais aa asomewhat anew aone—the asaying ahas aonly abeen ain abroad ause asince athe a1960s. aBut, awhile athe afinancial, alawful, aethical, aand adiscretionary aanticipations aput aon aassociations amay adisagree, ait ais alikely aunquestionable ato astate athat aall asocieties aat aall apoints ain atime ahave ahad asome astage aof aanticipation athose aassociations awould aproceed aresponsibly, aby asome adefinition.

In athe aeighteenth a100 ayears athe alarge aeconomist aand aphilosopher aAdam aSmith aconveyed athe acustomary aor aacademic afinancial aform aof abusiness. aIn aessence, athis aform aproposed athat athe adesires aand ayearns aof asociety acould abest abe acontacted aby athe aunfettered ainteraction aof apersons aand aassociations ain athe amarketplace. aBy aportraying ain aa aself-interested akind, apersons awould amake aand aconsign athe aitems aand aservices athat awould aprofit afrom athem aearnings, abut afurthermore arendezvous athe adesires aof aothers. aThe aviewpoint aconveyed aby aAdam aSmith aover a200 ayears abefore astill atypes athe acornerstone afor afree-market afinances ain athe atwenty-first acentury. aHowever, aeven aSmith aidentified athat athe afree amarket adid anot ahabitually apresent aflawlessly aand ...
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