Corporate Policies

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Corporate Policies

Corporate Policies


The major objective of this topic is to explore the problems and aspects related to the developmental disabilities. There is a need to pretend for opening a day program/organization on the Development Disabilities for adults who are more than 18 years old. The name of the program which has been selected for this topic is the “Bright Hope for the Disability of Children”. The main aspect of this topic is to prepare the Corporate Policies for this new program. The corporate policies will cover the issues such as Cognitive skills for the client, and the activities which the programs describe for the adults. The program would also provide a hope to the adult's in suffering from the disability problem. Therefore, all the issues and aspects related to Developmental Disabilities will be discussed in detail.

Overview of the Organization

The organization known as the “Bright Hope for the Disability of Adults” needs good policies in order to provide a viable future for these adults. The organization will provide hope for those adults suffering from disability and to their parents as well. Though, some parents are able to get their children admitted in these institutes but some of them are unsuccessful because of the financial constraints or due to the other problems which becomes a major problem for them. These projects require collective efforts and it also assists the organizations in achieving their goals and objectives (Ahmed, 2007).

Corporate Policies

The importance of the Corporate Policies is very high for these types of organizations. The implementation of the Corporate Policies needs to be followed in the best possible way. These corporate policies would be prepared to address the staff and clients who would also form a part of this organization. There are salient features of the Corporate Policies which will be discussed one by one in the topic.

Financial Policies

The arrangements must be made regarding the financial needs of the organization.

The Company needs to have proper Startup Capital in running the Project.

The Company will have to prepare a suitable strategy in meeting the expenses and raising income for the Project.

Infrastructure Policies

The organization would need to make sure that the infrastructure requirement, facilities and the staff needs are met in the best possible way.

The second thing would be to arrange all the necessary facilities for 18+ adults. The third thing that is going to matter a lot for the organization is the issue of location because it has to accessible to the people in order to make it easier for them to reach the location. The organization will make maximum efforts to buy a large area that would assist them in accommodating maximum number of adults in the Institute.

HR and Administrative Policies

A suitable HR plan and administrative policy would be prepared by the Organization. The hiring of the adequate staff would have a lot of value because they are going to form the manpower part of the organization.

The professional teachers, instructors, and the Caregivers would be ...
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