Corporate Culture Of Google

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Corporate Culture of Google

Corporate Culture of Google

Corporate culture refers to the common perception which is shared by the employees working in a particular corporation. Google, the internet search engine giant, has a mission of organizing the world's information in a way which is accessible and useful for people around the world. The entire culture of the organization revolves around this particular aspect. Google has inculcated such values in its culture that the employees feel it their responsibility to ensure that they serve their user's better. It is the result of this culture that Google's employees feel dedicated to make a difference and feel motivated (Eccles, R., Ioannou, I., and Serafeim, G. ,2011).

Google has a very unique corporate culture. It values the ideas of it's employees and consider them to be utterly important. It is because of these reasons that they have dedicated an entire internal email system which allows it's employees to discuss their ideas and share their issues, while also posting their complaints. The moment they post an idea, it is rated and according to these ratings, the management then reviews these ideas and then incorporates these ideas into their product development. It is because of this emphasis on innovation that Google has always been able to stay afoot of its competition. By allowing their employees to think outside the box and incorporated innovation into their thought process, Google brings out the best in them (Joyner, B. E., & Payne, D., 2002).

It is because of this corporate culture that Google is sought as one of the most desired employers in United States of America. The creative, dedicated and utterly innovative culture of the organization enables its employees to work hard and utilize their skills to the maximum. Also, they value their human resource and that is the ...
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