Convergent Plate Boundaries

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Convergent plate boundaries


We've talked enough about plate tectonics, geological theory that explains the movement of tectonic plates and their activity in relation to the processes that occur on Earth by geological standards. But before you begin to list how many plates are there and discuss some of them having knowledge about tectonic plates.

What is a tectonic plate?

Basically a plate tectonics or lithosphere is a part of the terrestrial lithosphere, a rigid block that moves without deforming the layer called as the asthenosphere. The plate collision results in earthquakes or it can cause ridges and other manifestations on the surface of the crust.

The lithosphere is the first layer that lies below the crust and marine crust at this level is where the tectonic plates are divided. Below the lithosphere have another layer called the asthenosphere which is in constant contact with the upper and lower plates. From it many forces are generated because the upper layers move sharply.

How many tectonic plates are there?

Total plates of our planet are 28, but not all have the same importance. To mention the most important ones below:

• American Plate: Covering all of South America and part of the South Atlantic.

• American Plate: Covers North America, Greenland, parts of the Caribbean and Atlantic, Arctic Glacier and part of Siberia.

• Eurasian Plate: Eurasia covers less India, Arabia and Siberia.

• Indo-Australian Plate: Covers India, Australia and surrounding ocean.

• African plate: Consists of Africa as a whole.

• Antarctic Plate: It covers absolutely all of Antarctica and its surrounding ocean.

• Pacific Plate: This covers most of the Pacific Ocean. It is the largest on the


There are other boards, called secondary ( Philippine, Arabian, Scottish, Juan de Fuca, Caribbean), micro plates (Burma Yangtze Timor, Bird's Head, Panama) and the rest of the plates (Rivera, , Okhotsk, , Explorer, Kula, Somali).

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