Contributions Of Ict To Business Institutions

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Contributions of ICT to Business Institutions



Contributions of ICT to Educational institutes:5

Case Study:9


Contributions of ICT to Business Institutions


Information and communication technologies (ICT) have changed several aspects of the way we live. In the past 20 years, ICT has changed the procedures and practices of almost all forms of businesses. The way different businesses are operating these days is very different from the way they have been operating in the past. It has indeed brought a positive impact in businesses today by increasing their efficiency and productivity by a large ratio. ICT has assisted information to be more organized and time saving. It is further used to facilitate communication, to automate business processes for storing and processing information or to broaden the access to information through the internet. The revolution of ICT is moving throughout the world and now has even entered in several developing countries.


Increased use of ICT has the potential to influence economic growth positively. Businesses that lag in ICT adoption also generally lag in growth and development. It is important for the businesses to implement the use of ICT in their organizational structure and strategies, in order to sustain in the highly competitive business environment. ICT is a very significant tool used in the business sector. Some of the basic uses include production, marketing, administration, communication and research. Different businesses use various ICT procedures to execute their respective tasks.

ICT adoption is most advanced in the service sector. These business-related services have been a contributor of economic growth in the industrial countries. A successful service is said to be the one, leading towards customer satisfaction (Levesque & McDougall, 2000, pp. 12-20). A customer is satisfied as long as the expectations are being met. It is further said that providing customers with excellent service, results in customer delight and improves the relationship between buyer and seller (Johnston, 2004, pp. 123-133). The development in ICT has impacted the way we interact and manage our lives. ICT now is used to assist core business of an organization in achieving the goal and mission of the particular company. One of the main roles of businesses is to achieve and retain customer satisfaction. High interaction with the customers has led towards several benefits to the organizations. This requirement has resulted in technological changes in the ICT industry, and to cope up with the changing trend, optimal capacity of the corporate requirement needs to be determined.

The connection between ICT and business operations has brought innovative ideas and has benefited business institutions in several ways. ICT is considered to be an enabler for most business processes. It is useful in business because it increases the amount of information in the marketplace, which helps people being more informed, and in taking rational decisions. Furthermore, the contribution of ICT offers access for researching information and checking the quality for organizations before making various important decisions.

Contributions of ICT to Educational institutes:

ICT has begun to have a presence within education, but the results have not been as prevalent as they ...
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