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What sort of experiences, have had in using information technologies to interact with current political developments?

What sort of experiences, have had in using information technologies to interact with current political developments?


Continued the Arab world and the world what happened in the early fall of 2011 of two of the most repressive, corrupt and authoritarian in the Arab world. On January 14, 2011 after the demonstration lasted about a month, the regime fell, led by Tunisian Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, which lasted 23 years. Followed by the Egyptian regime Alootai led by Hosni Mubarak, which lasted 30 years, since the regime fell in the February 11, 2011 and after the resistance lasted 18 days and began mass demonstrations began on January 25, 2011 was the largest and most effect on January 28, 2011, until the left Mubarak and dropped its February 11.

This paper discusses how technology and the Internet particularly influential role in the events of January 2011 in Egypt and Tunisia, with emphasis on Egypt. Then discusses the story the events of January 2011 in the light of the report of the U.S. published in 2003 about the hostility between the systems corrupt and information technology, which is expected to fight the Arab regimes use the technology for the purpose of aiming to overthrow them, which leads to delays in the Middle East to catch up technology (Bradley, 2008).

Body: Discussion and Analysis

According to the CIA's 'The World Factbook', Egypt's total Internet users in 2009 was 20.136 million users, with approximately one in four people connecting online, ranking it in 21st place for the most Internet users per country. The International Telecommunications Unit records the growth of Egyptian Internet users between the year 2000 and 2010 at 3,691% (approx). The advancement of the World Wide Web witnessed the evolution of social media. Websites such as, and allowed people all over the world to share, communicate and interact. With this came their ability to, anonymously, raise their concerns in which they would not do otherwise in reality, whether from the fear of the iron fist of the regime or due to the psychological fear which may have existed. Wael Ghonim is a Google Executive who later took the limelight as being the creator of the Facebook page 'We are all Khalid Said'. The page instigated a fellowship of people angry at the regimes brutality. In his ...
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