Contrast Essay: Right And Wrong

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Contrast Essay: Right and Wrong

Contrast Essay: Right and Wrong


Right and wrong is the most common topic, since the very beginning of time. It is because of the reason that, people always try to understand that what is wrong and what is right. It is often observed that, there is no criterion to differentiate between the right and wrong. It is due to reason that, something that may be correct or right to someone can be characterized as wrong to the other person. Therefore, the concept of right and wrong is completely dependent on ethics, morals and the actions that can be accepted by the society. In addition to this, religion is the most significant aspect that has a greater impact on explaining right and wrong, in one's life. Furthermore, personal beliefs and thoughts may also play an effective and efficient role in categorizing that, what is right and what is wrong.

Some other factors may also play a vital role in judging the right and wrong actions or deeds. These factors may include society, environmental influences, religious values and morals. In other words, the concept of right and wrong can also be described as human values. Proceeding paper incorporates the contrast essay on right and wrong. The study also demonstrates various different aspects and factors that may help people in making a decision regarding right and wrong.


Right and wrong are two aspects which have great impacts on one's life. It is observed that each and every person has different perceptions regarding wrong and right. Moreover, it is also observed that, these perceptions are totally based on one's personal ideas, beliefs and ethical, religious and moral values. It is also observed that, right and wrong can also be identified by the tiny incidents of life. This can easily be understood by an example of John. John is a student of high school and is one of the brilliant students of the class. During his exams, his best friend asked him for help, as he was finding difficulty in solving a question. John helped him in solving that question. It was one of the unethical acts of John, as he breached the rules of exams. In this situation, when the John was questioned about his act, he justified his act by giving the reason that, he was helping his friend and helping other is a good act. In this situation, John was considering his act as a right act on the other hand; his teachers were considering it as a wrong act. This situation shows that, right and wrong are totally based on the personal perceptions and believes. It is because of the reason that, most of us have particular systems of religious and ethical beliefs. These beliefs or point of views can be changed or altered depending on different scenarios and circumstances. These scenarios and circumstances may also influence the idea of being right or wrong. In addition to this right or wrong can also be differentiated by considering the outcomes ...
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