Continuous Improvement

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Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement

Team Process

Assessment and Improvement


- Are there adequate opportunities for idea generation, development, finalization and closure, and evaluation?

- Is there an appropriate balance of periods for the team to work together, work apart, and then work together again?

- Is the chosen leadership structure optimal for guiding the team in its path toward creative results?

The leadership approach that is most suitable for such organization is that in which we see most of the team members are not likely to face each other in the given period of time (Rooke and Torbert, 2005). Off late, it has been noticed that when this structure are operating, the need for team meets or physical appearance of the team members is not needed most of the times. This is the central point of the virtual organization that people are able to meet each other after a certain while, and they do not have to face each other that often.

Even thought there is less emphasize on the physical meeting of the team members, it has been noticed that this work approach does not show complete disregard for the physical appearance of the team members. In fact, the people who are part of the team are needed to face during the initial stage of the project (Nemiro, 2004). This meeting is important as an organization has to get the perspective of people who want to work with them and eventual tasks, line and approach of action that is needed to be followed as well as some of the other tasks that are delegated among the team members.

When organization is done with the initial stage of the development of the team, the most significant thing that is needed to be looked at is that what are the eventual source of communication that remains between these people. So the network and connectivity of the people who are associated with such projects are needed to be looked upon.


- Does the team has adequate procedures and forums for establishing task connection?

- Does the team has ways to build and maintain interpersonal connection?

- Are the appropriate team and management conditions and competencies present?

As it has been discussed above, most of the virtual teams are about the strength of connectivity that prevails between them. The success and the failure of the organization depend largely on the connections that are established between the teams. The main purpose for the eventual gathering of the team was to make sure that all the requirements of the class assignment are being looked upon. Hew need for cohesiveness in the overall team was the need of the hour and even though it was a bit of a roller coaster side. Some of our team members were not really attentive in most of the earlier studies, and they were making other members of our group skeptical about the success of our group assignment. Later on, one of our group members Brandon was playing an active role in developing the strength of the team ...
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