Contemporary Marketing

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Contemporary Marketing

Contemporary Marketing

Contemporary Marketing


This writing assignment aims to answer the following ten questions which are from the contemporary marketing strategies of the various companies:

1. Describe in detail and elaborate on the relationship era of marketing.

2. What are the four components of the 'SWOT' analysis? Be specific when answering. Think of a company for each element and detail your thoughts. It can be one company or a different one for each category.3. What are the benefits of green marketing? Give several examples of companies that are in the forefront of using green products or services to enhance their business.

4. Explain the difference between e-business and e-marketing. Note a company or companies that stand out in each category. 5. Why is the study of consumer behavior important to marketers? I addition what the text says, state your opinion well. 6. What are some of the problems that U.S. marketers face in dealing with international buying centers? 7. What is a franchise? Be specific with a definition in your response. Give three examples of franchise business you have purchased from over the past few years. 8. Distinguish between primary and secondary data. Give an example of each type.

9. What is the role of 'positioning' in marketing strategy? Give an example of two companies who are positioned well in the marketplace in terms of perceived value from the consumer's viewpoint. 10. How is customer satisfaction measured? Give examples from the text, and also list several of your own experience where a business has solicited your opinion on their product or service.

Answer # 1

The Relationship Era of marketing is the most recent period in the ongoing evolution of marketing. In this era successful marketing tools and techniques are implemented which looks different than the expectations of customers. This shift in the Relationship Era is caused due to the decreasing dependence on the old means of mass media which persuade audience to purchase more. Relationship Era marketers accepts the approaches which build strong relationships between their brands and customers.

Answer # 2

The SWOT analysis components are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The SWOT allows the organizations to formulate business strategies in competitive market place. A SWOT analysis is usually carried on for a product, distribution, industry or any individual. It engages the distinct objectives of the organization which identifies internal and external factors which can prove fruitful to achieve organizational objectives. The SWOT analysis technique was propounded by Albert Humphrey.

The SWOT analysis of famous brand Nike shows that innovation in the sport industry is the biggest strength of the company. Legal laws and social conditions of different countries in which Nike is operating has been cited as a weakness. However Nike has extraordinary potential to expand in Asian countries and new entrants in the sport industry are considered to be a threat for the company.

Answer # 3

Environmental responsibility has become corporate agenda for the organizations in the 21st century. Companies are held responsible for polluting the environment and are directed by the government and ...
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