Consumer Evaluation

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The Effects of Spatial and Social Distance on Consumer Evaluation


Tables of Contents


Significance of the Research3

Aims and Objectives3

Research Questions4

Review of the Literature4

Importance of Customer Relationship Management4

Managing Customers through Quality Services5

Function of Customer Service in an Organisation6

Methodological Approach7

Research Techniques Used7

Literature Search8

Programme of the Work8

Project Timeline9


The Effects of Spatial and Social Distance on Consumer Evaluation


The success of a company depends primarily on consumer demand. They are the main characters and the most important factor that makes a company thrive or fail. Every company should aim towards consumer satisfaction; therefore the objectives of the company should be directed towards these objectives (Fiedler, 2007). If the company does not meet the needs and desires of its consumers will have a very short existence. All efforts should be directed to the consumer, because he is the real force behind all activities. Much as contain sometimes not enough good quality products or low price, so that the consumer feels it is necessary to collect many and guide all aspects. The market no longer resembles anything of the past years, where concern was to produce more and better, because there was enough demand to meet. Today the situation has changed dramatically (Lynch and Zauberman, 2007). The pressure of the supply of goods and services and market saturation requires companies of different sizes and sectors to think and act with different criteria to capture and retain the slippery consumer loyalty or not maintaining the marks or with companies. The main objective of every entrepreneur is to know and entertain consumers that the product or service can be adjusted to satisfy their needs, taking into account the competitive offerings.

There are different factors that help the organisations in ensuring that they deliver the best consumer evaluation. The first aspect by which consumer evaluation can be measured is the financial facilities offered by the organisations (Anderson, 2002). There are different organisations that are use the financial facilities in different ways. Financial facilities means the loans, the overdraft facility, the amount of credit the organisation can extend to its consumers, etc. These facilities are very important for the consumers. Once they develop proper and good relations with the organisations, they expect the organisation to help them whenever they need (Namkung & Jang, 2008).

The availability of these services and facilities is another determinant of the consumer evaluation. The services that the consumers are looking for should be available all the time. If at any time the service is unavailable at any time, the consumers will not be satisfied with the organisation and will think of changing the organisation (Namkung & Jang, 2008). The organisation will suffer a huge loss as it will lose an account. This is an important aspect. Old consumers who have had a long relationship with the organisations expect a lot from their organisations; therefore, not meeting their expectations will be harmful for the organisation as their level of consumer evaluation will decline.

Though the potential causes of consumer evaluation are manifold, researchers in consumer behaviour and social psychology have ...
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