Consultancy Methods

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Consultancy Methods

Consultancy Methods


The effectiveness of the consultancy process depends upon the methods that are implemented during the entire consultancy process by the consultants and advisors. The identification of the potential problem due to which consultancy was required is the first and the most important step to continue the consultancy project and complete it effectively and successfully. The potential problem that was identified in this consultancy project was the working methods and internal organizational structure of the client's organization that lead employees not to work to their full potential for the betterment of the organization. The most important steps to be involved in inquiring more about the problem that exist within the organization include involving the right data collection methods and methods of attaining feedback during the consultancy project. A brief discussion about the data collection methods and feedback methods implemented in the consultancy project is presented as follows.

Data Collection Methods

Data collection methods are very important to be selected correctly to collect the right and useful data for getting effective results from the consultancy project. The following are some of the most important methods that could be used for collecting data from different resources that would enable us to complete the consultancy project effectively.

Interviews - Interviews are used to ask questions from the employees of the organization and other related people of the organization that could be useful for providing helpful information. These interviews could be one on one or group interviews.

Questionnaires - Questionnaires are also used for getting answers from the employees or other related individuals. But, the difference is that these questionnaires include a specific set of questions in writing. These questions could be either open ended or closed ended.

Direct Observation - This is another method of collecting useful data that would help in collecting important ...
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