Consultancy Methods

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Consultancy Methods

Consultancy Methods


The consultancy project is a very important task for the consultants. On the other hand, it is also very important for the clients because the decisions of the consultants regarding the project are very important because the clients are dependent on the consultants to effectively continue their projects. It is also observed that some issues are involved in the consultation process that affects the relationship of the client and the consultant. These issues are categorized into ethical, political and other related issues that are experienced in the process of consultation. It is also very important for the consultants to develop suitable strategies and take preventing steps to eliminate the issues and move forward successfully in the consultancy process. A brief discussion about the potential issues in the relationship of the client and customer, and the strategies to be implemented to overcome these issues is presented in this paper.

Issues in Client and Consultant Relationship

The nature of the relationship between the client and the consultant play a vital role in the consultation process, and also affects the consultancy decisions made by the consultant. It is very obvious that there are some potential issues that may arise in the process of consultancy which would also become an obstacle in the healthy and effective relationship between the client and the consultant. Some of the categories of issues that most likely could arise in the relationship between client and consultant are discussed as follows.

Ethical Issues

Ethics is a very important factors that should be considered while consulting and the continuing the consultancy project. It is observed that ethical issues do arise sometimes in these types of projects which affect the relationship between the client and the customer. The most significant issues that are included in the category of ethical issues are mentioned ...
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