Consultancy Methods

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Consultancy Methods

Consultancy Methods


Consultancy in management refers to an counseling service that is often made use of in order to render assistance and train employees in an open environment. According to Greiner and Metzger (1983), consultancy also helps organizations in the identification of the issues that may exist, analysis of problems, and provision of necessary assistance required for the implementation of the suggested solutions. Typically, consultants do not assume the designation of the staff of the organization they are providing support to or enjoy any form of authority or power to force implementation. Kubr (1996) notes that an independent and objective approach refers to maintaining an administrative, financial, emotional or political distance from the client or organization (Applebaum & Steed, 2005, pp. 68).

Outline of the Consultancy Approach

It is very important to prepare an outline for the approach that consultants aim to follow to provide the best consultation to their clients, because an outline serves as a sequence that needs to be followed to complete the assigned task. An ideal outline for the consultancy project that has been assigned in this case is mentioned as follows.

Entry and Contracting.

Discovery and Dialogue.

Feedback and the Decision to Act.

Engagement and Implementation.

Extension, Recycling or Termination.

These are the steps that are involved in the approach that has been selected to follow in case of the consultancy project we have been assigned or selected.

Consultancy Approach

The consultancy approach that has been selected for this particular project involves five steps that will be followed in order to maintain a positive relationship between the consultant and the client. The approach will also aim to provide appropriate consultancy to the client to complete the project successfully. A discussion about the skills that will be used in the selected approach is presented as follows.

Entry and Contracting

The first step that has been involved in ...
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