Consequences Of Cheating

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Consequences of Cheating

Consequences of Cheating


Students' behavior, on asking if they ever cheated, was rational. Students prefer to cheat when they feel that the benefits of cheating are more than it risks. According to Webster's New World Dictionary, cheating is defined as being dishonest and deceitful. This paper discusses cheating. Cheating is commonly adopted by students to achieve higher grades. Students object that due to time constraint for preparation and consideration of variables, which are other classes and extracurricular activities, they adopt cheating. They have an aim to achieve maximum comprehension and learning speed. To achieve this they may ask their friends, copy the required material or use Internet.


According to students they have three reasons to cheat. First, they believe that they are not the only cheating. Everybody does it. Second, they feel that achievements required by the academies are unrealistic and cannot be met in real time. Third, students prefer a quick and easy way out. Internet and new modern forms of technology have made cheating easier, attractive and tempting. Cheating has many varieties. One may sum up the mandate of another student. Another person could pay for the end of September. Homework cheating is a desire to promote the cycle or a program quickly.Often used in emergencies when approaching a test, cheating is, generally, one means among others to ensure a satisfactory grade control. It is therefore not surprising that some students are attracted by the art of cheating and "cost-benefit" between outcome and effort devoted to the study.

Effects and Consequences of Cheating

The practice of cheating is as old as the appearance of the first tests to assess knowledge. Therefore, many methods have been dedicated throughout its history. Today we find in the "catalog of cribs", conventional methods or combining modern technology and often cheating. Three main causes were ...
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