Consequences Of Cheating

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Consequences of Cheating

Introduction One of the most universally understood words in the world is cheating. It simply defined as breaking any set of predefined rules and regulations and stealing another person's work and claiming it to be original. Cheating can be explained in a broad manner to be something like taking something from another person and displaying or using it in such a manner, that it seems original. Cheating is as diverse as the number of fields of works like schoolwork, professional work or even in relationships.


The reason why people attempt to cheat is mostly because of a desire to become successful, to succeed in a challenge, to attain more finances or even to enjoy life. It can be said that the biggest reason for someone attempting to cheat is simply to attain the benefits of a task without have to work for it. Still, it is a fact that there is a very age-old saying by some very smart and accomplished person of the world.

“Cheaters never prosper”

It is almost always turns out to be 100% correct and accurate when seen in the long term. Cheating in school, college or even universities have a lot of negative effects in an individuals' life. First and foremost, majority of the students who cheat, are afraid to face any challenges. This is because these challenges instead of helping them grow, act like hurdles for such student that are dependent on others to aid them in 'cheating'. Additionally, cheaters commonly become victims of the challenges which in turn make them losers as well. In order to save their skins, the cheaters attempt to steal other people's work so that they can find a way to somehow 'worm their way' out of the challenge. Unfortunately for them it is a fact that life is a challenge in itself. This is why cheating is a very bad method of obtaining success because other people always know one way or the other, about the cheater's identity, which can become quite problematic for him. The cheaters often hold the belief that success lies in play unfair. That is sadly a very incorrect notion and because which they will have to face many issues in their lives.

Secondly, when people cheat in class, it costs them by depriving them the opportunity for learning something new. Education is the only thing which has the potential to help man achieve greatness; ...
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