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Conflict Resolution

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Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

Literature Review

One of the widely increasing topics related to the workplace issues is conflict resolution. With the acceptance of the working in a more flat structure within the hierarchy of the organization, the interdependency as well as the decision making has led to several issues relate to conflict within the workplace vicinity. It is with the implementation of these changes that a number of conflicts have aroused with the passage of time in various organizations. Some of the authors are of the opinion that due to globalization many of the people related to different cast, creed, culture, family background and origin are entering in the organizations across borders making it difficult for employees to adjust with one another. Conflict within the organization has various reasons, at times it depends on the countries cultural and ethnic values that make the workers a little against each other. Even in this era there are several countries that are gender bias and, therefore, give full support to either of any one of the gender. Whereas some of the authors are of the belief that a certain amount of tension within the environment of the organization is competitive and helps the employees in making additional effort and work with more additional effort. Since authors recognize that conflict is a natural phenomenon, even then it is essential to identify the sources of conflict from the people associated within the organization so as to highlight the matter if it becomes personal or worse in the future. This paper aims to find out how effective are the existing methods of conflict resolution are by using the observation technique of data collection.


How well do the current approaches to conflict resolution work in resolving organizational conflicts?


Following are the main reasons that base on the conflict within the organization and even tend to worsen the situation. These factors are not only the main reason of conflict but, it often creates the environment of the place disturbing. It is essential that the top management of the organization not only identifies but also tries to eradicate the main reasons of organizational:

1. Change in the organization

2. Internal competitiveness

3. Internal Differences

Change in the organization

One of the main focuses of the organization is to adapt to the environment and the technological changes that are happening. Therefore, it is extremely essential for the employees of the organization to understand that changes will take place with the passage of time. As far as an organization is concern there are large changes such as Business Process Re-engineering, identifying the need of an additional department, or even segregating the workforce or the implementation of software. In all these changes employees working within the organization repel or resist bringing about a change as it will eventually affect their working style too. Inertia exists within the environment of any organization but then it the responsibility of the manager or the top tier to eradicate the concept of inertia and abide the employees in accepting the change as it ...
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