Conference And Banqueting

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Conference and Banqueting

Conference and Banqueting Management

Conference and Banqueting Management

This paper focuses its discussion on the conference and banquet sector in the United Kingdom. The paper discusses about the size and the scope of this industry in the United Kingdom. The paper speaks about the various influences that play an integral part in the survival of the conference and banquet industry in the United Kingdom and the various facilities offered by the hotels in the United Kingdom for conferences and banquets.

Of all the purposes for arranging conferences and banquets, one of the main reasons is to provide a platform for political, business and other entities to communicate for sharing thoughts and ideas and for solving issues that have a global presence. The history of banquet is very old and now, due to the changes in the environment and changes in the trends, the industry is experiencing challenges and gaining from the opportunities that are available in the market.

Introduction to Conference and Banqueting

Banqueting and Conference simply pertains to organizing an event that is complete with the main courses, along with the desserts. It is organized for serving an important gathering, such as seminars, ceremonies, small meetings, gatherings, weddings, family get-togethers and celebrations. Conferences are considered to be one of the most significant and essential aspects in today's globalized world, as it tends to fill up the gaps that exist in various industries, from a nation to another. It helps various economies of the countries to be recognized for their culture, and their global presence, (Brotherton, 1996). Likewise, one of the most significant conferences at an international level, such as the world expos happens to be world expo conferences, which are recognized and regarded as a non- commercial global expo, hoisting of which is applied for by a country and is approved by the global committee. The principle goal of this event, like any other conference and banquet event, is to transfer, promote and exchange ideas and develop the international economy, (Formica, 2003).

Apart from all this, it aims at promoting the customs, culture, science and technology for enhancing international relationships. The very idea of banqueting in the United Kingdom is old. Back in the sixteen century, banquet was way different from the modern stems and perceptions from what it is now. United Kingdom is an attraction for tourists from all over the world. It is a major player in the European Union. The position that the United Kingdom retains in the centre of Europe makes it a very crucial partner for promoting trade, business and peace in the world. Since United Kingdom's position in the world economy is important, it hosts various conferences and banquets for the leaders all around the world.

The scope of conference and banquet in the United Kingdom is very bright. United Kingdom is an important member of the United Nations, and it is for this reason, many conferences and meetings are held at London, (Shone, ...
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