Conduct Disorder

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Conduct Disorder

Conduct Disorder


Conduct disorder is considered to be one of the most intractable and the most difficult mental health problems, which are mostly found among children's and adolescents. Conduct disorder involves an extensive number of problematic behaviors which includes, defiant and oppositional behaviors, along with certain other antisocial activities such as stealing, lying, physical violence, running away from home, and sexually coercive behaviors. Researchers have found some preventable and predisposing factors that becomes a result for the development of all types of mental disorders among adolescents through a cross sectional survey the factors which were identified by the researchers includes, an exposure of second hand smoke among youth especially the ones who are not smokers themselves, along with certain other factors.


Cognitive behavioral approach

This approach could be used for the treatment of children's and adolescents suffering with conduct disorder. This approach could be defined as a rational amalgam; it could be defined as a purposeful attempt for preserving and demonstrating the positive effects of the behavioral therapy within a context that is off fewer doctrinaires along with the incorporation of certain cognitive activities of the clients into the efforts for producing therapeutic changes. Cognitive behavioral strategies along with adolescents and children's use performance based, and enactive procedures as well as some cognitive interventions for the production of changes in the way a child or adolescent thinks, feels, or behaves under a certain situation (Beck, J. S., & Beck, J. S, 2011).

Adapting cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adolescents

As the developments continue to take place in pediatric medicine, clinicians are using cognitive behavioral therapy with children's and adolescents which have initially had to be extrapolated from the findings of the studies conducted on adults. Clinicians are using their expertise to adapt the same method for the treatment of conductive disorder in children's. The model of cognitive behavioral therapy continues to be evaluated. Some of the particular adaption's used by the therapists when working with children's and adolescents are to do with the pacing of the content along with speed of the therapy at a level that is appropriate for the child, one important factor that bears in the mind of therapists regarding young children's are the limitations in meta cognition and ineptitude in the labeling of feelings.

Peer Group Therapy

The monitoring of the activities of children during the period of early adolescence is immensely important, because it is the stage when the influences ...
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