Conduct A Risk Benefit Analysis

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Conduct a Risk Benefit Analysis

Conduct a Risk Benefit Analysis


Aggression in childhood is an important factor under consideration by the educators and parents due to its relative stability overtime and to a number of negative consequences it brings later in the adolescence. The negative outcomes include poor adjustment, conduct and behavioural problems, substance abuse, academic difficulties, frequent expulsion and suspensions, poor grades and delinquency. Verbal and physical aggression has been reported as few of the early signs and defined symptoms of childhood psychiatric disorders. Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder are common with prevalence rate from 6 to 10%. According to American Psychiatric Association, it is even higher in males as compared to in females.


According to Barry (2004), the interventions to overcome childhood aggression is based on many effective strategies. Group intervention programs have been introduced which are effective in terms of cost and time, and provide with better results as compared to the individual therapy followed in treating aggressive children. Treatment plans have also been devised for parents to guide them in improving the parental monitoring and implementation of discipline at home and in daily routine. Cognitive behavioural therapy including anger management training and problem solving has also helped reduced aggression and behavioural problems in children and in adolescents. Parent's involvement plays a very important role to overcome aggression problems in childhood and adolescence. Parents should always participate with their teenagers in the intervention programs if the child is usual to show aggressive behaviour. The target behaviour of children is aggression which becomes more dangerous to other children at school and even at home. It is more likely if the behaviour is not intervened at an early stage than it becomes more aggressive and at a late stage it becomes difficult to overcome the symptoms. The severity in aggression does ...
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