Computers And Graphic Art.

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Computers and Graphic Arts

Computers and Graphic Arts


Graphic design forms a new vision for creating objects, consequently resulting in a change in the cultural sphere, which is backing an image we have of the world. All objects can be interpreted as an iconic message, instituted a new outline of content: posters, stained glass, flyers, telephone books, maps, books, maps, posters, packaging, etc.. These elements are distributed everywhere and has a strong influence, with a reading dissimilar, as a large hypertext can enhance new habits.

From this concept, it is possible to identify a suitable field of activity. This new profession, born in 1945-date set arbitrarily to understand that in this period the conditions were ripe for consolidation - has enabled the use of advanced technological resources, multiplying scope.

Today, it is necessary to see the Graphic Design from a different perspective. Computing has joined their ranks, with a new theoretical contribution, as it is possible to merge the traditional design concepts, with a strengthening of technological, in order to maximize the chances of an increasingly sophisticated appeal.

Therefore, in this brief essay will explore the theoretical, technological resources and technical input, the graphical interface and practical application to establish a new profile "designer."

PC Graphic Design

To address the study of Graphic Design in PC, is necessary to consider the theoretical aspects inherited from the cultural tradition spanning different disciplines, with the aim of establishing a common principle and priorities.

It should be noted also that the computations in this sense, it falls outside of any profession and each may offer different contributions. For example: A fashion designer may hand sketching, but can also scan the drawings as a prelude to the publication of their work in journals.

In order to provide a schematic can be divided into general theories and technological input.

Graphic Design

To set the Graphic Design can use the splitting of the terms: "The word design is used to refer to the process of scheduling, planning, coordinating, selecting and organizing a number of factors and elements for the realization of objects used to produce visual communications. The word "design" will also be used in connection with the objects created by that activity. The word "graphic" ... to qualify the word "design", and relates to the production of visual objects used to communicate messages Specific ... The two words together: "graphic design" go beyond the sum of their individual meanings and become the name of a profession ... According to propose an initial definition, one could say that graphic design, seen as an activity is action to conceive, plan, design and visual communications, produced generally by industry stakeholders and intended to convey specific messages to specific groups. "

Daniel Maldonado, coinciding with the view Frascara, considers that the term "Graphic Design" has become outdated with respect to the multiple tasks that define it today, and it should change its name to visual communication design, because "refers a design method, an objective and a means of ...
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