In the contemporary world scientific and technological advancement, the marker shelves are burgeoning with different gadgets and tech-savvy products. Since there is a plethora of options available to people to choose from, it often leaves the consumers perplexed so as what to buy and how to inquire about the efficiency of the products. The most reliable way to know about a certain product is to seek for experts' reviews on the product which people can rely upon and do not get blindly eluded by the manufacturer's claims about the product.
Though the procedure of Googling for finding about a certain product is good as long as one is sure which websites provide genuine information about a product and know what they are talking about. Since Google returns so many results, it becomes difficult for people which website to rely on and people often go for those websites which are on Google's top search results.
However, if a person doesn't have the component in their mind so as to what features exactly to look for and are just starting out to look for reliable reviews on computer hardware products, then it becomes a tough job to decide which website presents more reliable reviews. But there are certain websites which are very popular among computer hardware and are highly recommended and used by computer geeks for being reliable and genuine and when it comes to finding reliable computer hardware reviews, the most popular website is Tom's (Tom's Hardware 2011)
History of Tom's Hardware
Tom's Hardware is a popular website which focuses and published on technological reviews on the latest computer hardware. The website was founded by Dr. Thomas Pabst in the year 1996. The owner company of Tom's Hardware is the well-known Bestofmedia Group Company, which enjoys the position of being one of the top three technological online publishers worldwide. This company has global operations many countries like the USA, UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Russia, China and Taiwan. Since its inception in 1996, Tom's Hardware is considered to be the most trusted online publication for computer technology. In the year 2008, the Bestofmedia Group pulled in $35 million (22.5 million euros) in growth funding from Index Ventures which is a leading venture capital firm. (Tom's Hardware 2011)
Function of Tom's Hardware
The function of Tom's Hardware is to furnish the readers with hundreds of news stories, expert and ...