Computer Information Systems

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Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems

Question 1

The computer based systems, which are used for storing and retrieving bulk of data that is associated with the organizational activities is known as information systems. These systems help an organization in maintaining information with proper planning so that when it is required can be retrieved promptly.

Due to the emergence of the global economy, revolution in the business enterprise, change in industrial economies and the materialization of the digital firm has helped in giving greater importance to information systems. Information systems understanding and applicability is of great importance in today's business. Nowadays, all the business activities are managed by using information systems so if an individual is not having knowledge about it would not be able to survive in the market. In most of the businesses, the ability to achieve strategic goals and the survival of business is mainly dependent on information systems as all the activities of the business are inter-connected by using information systems (Agarwal & Lucas, 2005). This class will help us in getting knowledge related to the latest applications of information systems in today's business world. We will be able to better link our management studies to information systems and will benefit from it in our career. This class will help us in our future courses and will make us more comfortable at that time. There are various types of information systems. All these information systems are taught in the form of courses. Some of the most commonly used information systems, which would be discussed in the class are stated below.

1. Management information system

All the structured problems and decision making issues can be effectively resolved by using management information system. It also provides information on external environment.

2. Decision support system

This system supports an organization in decision making and provides alternative ...
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