Comprehension Activities

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Unit 3: Writing Assignment- Comprehension Activities

Unit 3: Writing Assignment- Comprehension Activities

Cooperative Learning Strategy

Strategies of cooperative learning have been verified as being effectual for each type of students, comprising of EELs (English Language Learners), mainstream students, and academically gifted ones, because it fosters friendships and respect within diverse student groups and promotes learning among them. In reality, the benefits of each student would be higher if there is high diversity within that team. Peers learn to rely, in a positive way, on each other for a number of learning chores. Typically within this strategy the students work in groups of four students. Through this the students can then be divided in pairs for certain tasks, and then unite back quite promptly for performing the other tasks. However, it is crucial to establish protocols and norm of the classrooms, which guide the students to:

Accept and give feedback from peers

Solve problems


Encourage each other

Help each other

Stay on task



Students need to be teamed up to give guideline for maximizing the learning opportunities, and the grouping type could generate various results depending on the situations. Groups need to be established utilizing a number of criterions like instructional objectives, student interests, academic skills and social skills. After this the collaborative and academic objectives need to be selected. Like, “Students would present a candidate's opinion, sustained by facts. Students would perform cooperatively within teams of four, taking turns for speaking”. The teacher needs to show inter-personal skills that are positive, encourage the students in reflecting on how effectually they execute their skills and have students practice their skills.

In this activity cooperative groups are used for partner reading. In this students first read by themselves (silently). After this students take turns in reading (loudly). The instructor would assist the students when required. Cooperative groups would be used post the individual reading (i.e. silent one). Then students would be gathered into teams for summarizing the chapters or books that each student read. This even could be a time for a student to suggest the literature read, which would be encouraging for the fellow students in reading it too.


The most vital phase is started as teams get determined. Instruction needs to rely on content that is solid, with teaming used for customizing and enhancing student learning. The students need to comprehend the criteria for success, instructional tasks and the objectives. Assign and review roles of the students for smoothing the ...
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