According to Abbott there has been an exceptional decline in reading and writing skills amongst learners at school level. The teachers often speak of the four skills- listening, speaking, reading and writing. That means each of them is important. You can't say that you have mastered the language without any one of them, Listening, one of the means of language communication, is used most widely in people's daily lives. About 45%of an adult's time concerns listening to other people, listening to the radio, listening to the music (Calkins, 168). In linguistics giving the students a lot of listening activities is a good way of enlarging their vocabulary. On the other hand, it also helps the students improve their listening comprehension.
Because the change of time and the progress in our world today, reading and writing skills are more necessary than it used to be in the olden day. For the ancient time, people were likely to do the cultivated works than sitting in the houses or offices for doing the account things. Ancient people did not need much in knowledge for reading and writing. Most of all, they needed strengths of body than language ability (McDevitt, 56).
Development of our world has had a great effect on people to compete and struggle with each others for getting the best chances in life. People who read and write well have the better opportunities in getting jobs. They need to learn and be educated for receiving those chances. As a result, reading and writing skills becomes to have the important role on how people become successful (Abbott, 53).
Capability in reading and writing affect one to have more security in life. How can a person be safe from using the medicine or even hair spray if he or she does not know how to read the label? How can they understand the contract clearly without skill in reading? They may let others read the contract to them, but it will be risk for a reason that they can be cheated. Therefore, uneducated people always being treated unequally or unfairly because they are looked like fools for others (Calkins, 166).
Reading is an important way of gaining information in foreign language learning, It is a basic skill for a foreign language learner. There is a lot of reading exercises in an examination today. But all these readings must be done in limited time. So students are asked to read them correctly and with a certain speed. To do this, you should change your bad reading habit and raise your reading efficiency (McDevitt, 58).
A person who is uneducated or who has received a low education has less chance in life than someone who can read and write well or who has received get the high education. Furthermore, our lives can be very riskful for the reason that human daily activities are requiring the capability in reading and writing. Living Life can be very difficult without the understanding about language.