Community Nursing

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Community Nursing



Plumas County Public Health Agency (PCPHA)2

Mission statement and Work Philosophy2

Aims and Objectives3

Community Services3

Funds Generation3

Agency Effectiveness to Meet Goals and Data Assessment and Record Submission4

Community Health Nurse's and Nursing Student's Role and Responsibilities in the Agency and Interdisciplinary Teams5


Community Nursing


The maintenance of health with in a community by the healthcare agencies is a combination of organized efforts to facilitate and improve public health as a whole through nursing, environmental, social, mental and physical care, instead of treatment to individuals. The public health programs in the community do not relays on the expertise and health knowledge but also combine science and social aspects as central objective to eradicate disease and improve health in the community (Novick L. F., & Morrow C, B, 2013).


Plumas County Public Health Agency (PCPHA)

The Plumas County Public Health Agency (PCPHA) is community and public health organization in California that serves for public health in their everyday life health facilities including the pure water to drink to fresh air to breathe to the laws to protect the community from injuries and improve their immunization through vaccination programs to keep them healthy.

Mission statement and Work Philosophy

The Plumas County agency works on a mission to distribute effectual and reverential facilities with appropriate strategies and guiding principles to endorse encourage and improve public health. The organization also aims to emphasize on community empowerment and potency to stay healthy through enchanting better health and life quality, preservance and protection to the environment.

The public health agency works on a philosophy to bring efficient and effective services with poise, impartiality, dignity and admiration the community to support healthier and serene environment. The agency objective includes nursing care to ill, health education, confidentiality and integrity of community records, anticipation and outreach for the health, quality life and well being through cooperation with the community. Chief in focus goals include elder services, nursing services, Health education, preclusion activities.

Aims and Objectives

The rationale behind the healthcare agency includes the development of the nucleus where the community can resolve all health, social and environmental concerns. The agency promote healthier life patterns through encouraging communities through nursing counseling's to adhere to positive changes at the individual, and community levels. The community is the representation of the people that live, work, and cooperate with each other for general excellence. The collaborative working includes food and health safety assurance, through prevention and care. They also work o recreational and residential facilities provision to the community and environment protection through recycling to safeguard environment. It is the common community and health agency objective to encourage self and other organizational partners, emergency services personals and local public participation to improve public welfare (“Plumas County, California, 2013).

Community Services

The agency offers following programs and educational and counseling plans to safeguard community health and prosperity through:

Prevention and counseling programs related to disability and child health.

Disease control programs for communicable diseases through health education, collection of figures, reviews and investigations throughout the community.

California Lead screening, treatment and prevention through childhood services,

Family ...
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