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Community Health Care in Oman

Community Health Care in Oman


Health, either mental or physical and infirmity have diverse observations and perspectives in different cultures and different economic, social and psychological contexts. There also are some associations between different social factors and illnesses that prevail with in communities and need to be studied and discussed. Post Partum depression is one of the prevailing mental health issues in the communities of the Sultanate of Oman. This paper will look into the social and psychological factors that affect the health and well being of a patient with Post Partum depression (PPD). It will also through light on the effects of such factors on health and illness of a person (Heinrich, 2007). Depression is a most common mental health issue and its prevalence is twice more in women than men during pregnancy, in the communities, in the sultanate of Oman, and throughout the world. Post Partum depression defined as an effective mood disorder and state of depression with main differentiating factor that the symptoms retain even after the first two weeks of the delivery. Post Partum depression is a major mental health issue for women from diversified cultures and most of them often remain undiagnosed. The postpartum depression screening programs designed. It has established through studies that poor social support; past stress full life events or depression history, anxiety or depression during pregnancy are strong depression related issues, which need considerations through proper care. Similarly, childcare depression, maternal neuroticism, decreased self esteem, single marital status, lower financial or socioeconomic position, pregnancy and delivery complications, difficult toddler temper, and poor relationship with the partner etc are also important issues. These issues require considerations from the beginning and proper healthcare, nursing, psychotherapies and governmental strategies to counsel such patients.

The post partum main symptoms include indecisiveness, importunate depression, lack of family and social interest, loss of baby care interest, poor concentration, crying, self low esteem, decrease in appetite, sometime insomnia, loss of energy, anxiety, stress, loss of interest and pleasure, suicidal thoughts, self blame, and psychomotor campaigning or retardation. These symptoms persist after sometimes more than a year.

The mother is one of the leading pillars of the family; any disturbance in her mental and physical health affects the whole family, and ultimately impact the whole community through drastic effects on her children. The postpartum depression has an influence on the whole family including the mother herself. The infant relation to her mother is seriously affected. It has a negative impact on the infant's emotional, cognitive and social responses. These influences in some cases extended to the middle or later childhood and influence the child personality. The mother depression leads to breast feed cessation of the infant, similarly the relation to the spouse also get affected. Screening tests and mechanisms have developed for the determination of the potential risks related to mood disorder and anxiety and affect prenatal care. The treatment of the PPD patient sometimes, prolongs due to the hesitant attitude of the mother due to ...
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