Community Health

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Community Health and Well Being



Community development issues4

Vision & Approach to Health and Wellbeing6

Strategic Framework6

Setting Our Priorities6

Health & Wellbeing Strategy Priorities8

Give Every Child the Best Start in Life9

Maximise Capabilities and Control11

Create Fair Employment and Good Work for all13

Ensuring a Healthy Standard of Living for All14

Sustainable Place and Communities16

Strengthen the Role and Impact of Ill Health Prevention17



Community Health and Well Being


A community as defined by a United States government is a group of people living in a defined geographical area and sharing common values, culture and norms. Not only this but they are also arranged in a social structure that is developed by the community and might also be In 21st century, public and its health issues are the most important point for any community to take responsibility of (Gillies, 1998). As according to the research, chronic diseases are the most commonly found amongst societies such as obesity, diabetes, cancer etc.

These problems usually effect the minorities and poor communities as it is difficult to afford the health care for them and especially the impoverish people of third world countries are effected the most. In order to tackle this, “local health departments” (LHD) have made various approaches and a broad spectrum of strategies in order to promote health and build a community capacity to increase awareness (Turnock, 1994). The department of health asked the health institute to establish health guidance for public on community development and community engagement approaches in order to improve health issues. Not only various health organisation but World health organisation (WHO) of United Nations also emphasized on health issues and recognized the importance of community development and community engagement (Wallerstein, 2006). Community development and community engagement are two different terms. It was difficult to distinguish between these two terms therefore an umbrella term was use instead known as community engagement which fitted for describing for both of the terms.

The term community engagement refers to the process where communities are forced to get involved into each other so that they can all sit together and decide on decisions and solutions. This consists of development, planning, services and their management and also activities which can help reduce inequalities in society and improve health (Popay, 2006). It involves dynamic relationships amongst community members and dialogues amongst them on local health issues. Community engagement in community health usually refers to and specifies efforts that help to promote information and their mutual exchange of resources and ideas.


Community engagement is a not a new practice or strategy in public health issues but it has already played a significant role over the previous centuries. Different approaches that can help communities to work together and providing them authority and control will lead to the maintenance and improvement of health. This will not help communities to only maintain their health issues but will also enable sense of cooperation and unity amongst them. In the early twentieth century, experts in public health took a lead in recognizing the priority solutions and health ...
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