Communication Technology In Organizations

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Communication technology in organizations

Communication Technology in Organizations

Identification Of The Topic

The increasing importance of knowledge and information work has put a premium on information and communication technologies. The last twenty years of the twentieth century and the first years of this century will surely be remembered as the time when information and communication technology exploded. The most obvious indication of this is the phenomenal and continuing growth of the Internet. This is only the tip of an iceberg of changes that include the spread of business integration systems, the takeoff of wireless telecommunications, extraordinary advances in communication technologies such as interpersonal messaging and videoconferencing, the advent of virtual organizations, and the reengineering of countless private, public, and nonprofit organizations to incorporate information technology. (Donnellan, 2011)

The experience of the past five years indicates that this position vastly underestimates the potential of ICT to transform organizations and communication. A great many organizations could not operate effectively without ICT. Wal-Mart, for example, could not deliver such low costs without its computerized supply chain management systems. And many organizations could not even exist without ICT. and eBay are examples of organizations that exist only on the Internet. Take away ICT and these organizations would disappear. In most large businesses and a growing portion of small ones, ICT has become so much a part of everyday operations that it is difficult to imagine how the work would get done without it. The countless examples include farmers who rely on ICT to sell their crops, law firms that do their research through online services, and local government agencies that collect bills and taxes through online payments. ICT plays just as important a role in today's organizational communication as a face-to-face conversation or a telephone call. (James 2010)

Hypothesis And The Research Process

information and communication technology (ICT) does not really change organizations. They regard it as simply another variable that influences organizational communication by increasing the speed, accuracy, and efficiency of information exchange. In order to research on this topic secondary data will be employed.

Why The Topic Was Selected

The topic of the information and communication technology was selected due to its increasing importance in modern organizations. ICTs play a number of important roles in today's organizations. Most obvious is their capacity to facilitate communication within and between organizations. ICTs that support communication include e-mail, computer conferencing, audio and video conferencing, instant messaging, weblogs, and group support systems. These technologies vary considerably in the richness of information they can transmit and the immediacy with which responses come, and they can facilitate communication in several respects. They can speed up communication by making it more efficient to contact others (as e-mail and instant messaging do) and to convene meetings of people in different locations (as conferencing and group support systems do). E-mail, computer conferences, and weblogs facilitate communication between people who are on different schedules, because messages and entries can be read and answered whenever convenient for the ...
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