Communication In Health Care

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Communication in Health Care Setting

Task 1

As a human being, we all are well aware that no one can live without interacting with other person, or someone manages to do so, then it's really a hard thing (Jasper, 2003, pp. 24-38). Communication has been derived from the Latin word 'Communis', which means commoners. Communication is a process to deliver ideas and information from one person to another. It is basically the exchange of verbal or written information. Communication processes are interactions that are sign-mediated, among at least two share collections of semiotic rules and signs. When we talk about the health and care setting then this phenomenon becomes essential, because without effective communication, proper and appropriate care cannot be delivered.

Psychodynamic theory of communication fits best to the health and care settings. Psychodynamic approach is a systematic approach through which the person is asked about the things which he or she refuses to tell, in an effective and efficient manner. The psychodynamic technique focuses on the pauses, vocalizations, inflections, amplitude and tone. Communication can be better perceived as a two-way process, which deals with the progression and exchange of thoughts, ideas or feelings (energy) towards a mutually accepted direction or goal (information). Thus, communication is process of assigning and conveying meaning in one attempt for the creation of shared understanding.

Being able to communicate effectively and clearly in your own environment and comfort zone may seem challenging enough, but it increases exponentially in a different culture. Globalization is unavoidable in this day and age, and therefore being able to communicate in the face of cultural diversity is more important than ever (Stanton, 2004, pp. 232-411).

There are two parts of communication that hold true no matter what culture you are in. Verbal and nonverbal communication exists regardless of the surrounding environment. The overall process need a great expertise of skills in interpersonal and intrapersonal processing, observing, evaluating, listening, speaking, analyzing and questioning. It is through communication that collaboration and cooperation take place (Jasper, 2003, pp. 24-38).For example, if the chairman of an enterprise delivers his speech in English in the annual general meeting of the enterprise and there is no person who can understand English, it cannot be called. Therefore, it is necessary for communication that the receivers of the message must understand the message with the same meaning as the sender of the message wants to communicate. The process of communication has become very wide and easy with the latest scientific developments these days we find postage and telegraph, television, radio, wireless and satellites as the mechanics of communication.

Essential Elements of Communication

After a deep and analytical study of above definitions, it can be concluded that there are five essential elements of communication. These are as follows:

Communication: There must be a message. The message may be in the form of writing or verbal. It may be in the form of message, order or request.

Sender: There must be a sender of message.

Receiver: There must be a receiver of ...
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