Communication Analysis

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Communication Analysis

Communication Analysis

The Unloved is a thought provoking drama pertaining to the inefficient care system in UK. It points to the grave inefficiencies prevalent in UK. It tells the story of a young girl that becomes the victim of the consequences associated with the care system.

There have been many children that have been left at the mercy of the care system and thus have suffered to a great extent. It goes to show the importance of interpersonal skills in the care system for children(Brunsdon, 2012).

Children prefer to tell their moments of sadness to those adults that have a compassionate attitude. The role of social workers is immense in the development of affected children(Anon, 2012).


The time spent by the girl in the company of her social worker Vicky has immensely helped her. She has been able to discuss her trauma with the social worker because they share a relationship based on comfort(Last Night 2012).

The care giver talks in a soft tone and relies on interpersonal skills to get her message across. The communication level between the care giver and the affected girl seems to be increasing as their level of understanding is increasing at a rapid pace. The comfort or the ease in understanding is a major aspect in their communication.

Although the caregiver seems to have a compassionate attitude and a consoling attitude, there are moments when she does not give the right signals to the affected girl. There are varying perceptions in children about the aspect pertaining to social care. Each child has his or her own perception regarding the social care(Sockshare, 2012).

“There is no universal method which would be catered for all children. In this case too, the affected girl has certain expectations from the social care worker which she fails to address. There are some children that do not understand the concept of social care. Although Lucy understands that Vicky, the care giver listens to her and makes her comfortable, there are moments when she ignores her.” (Law and More, 2012, pp.45-51)

A child like Lucy would just want to have simple care that alleviates her traumas. Children have simplified views of social care and thus Vicky the care giver should have employed simplified mechanisms of care. There have been moments when Vicky talks as if Lucy is not present there. (Movie Reviews, 2012)

“Although Vicky has been known to have a caring nature and a softening tone, her ignorance about Lucy at certain times ignites serious doubts. She should be focused on Lucy and give utmost attention to her well being.” (Imdb, 2012, pp. 5-8)

Vicky exhibits a great understanding of the situation and takes Lucy out with her. Lucy relaxes and interacts in a better manner with Vicky once she is out shopping. There is a great transformation in the mood of Lucy once she is out on a shopping trip.

Although there have been minimal instances of sincere care givers in UK, role of Vicky has been ...
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