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What will you take away from this course and what have you learned about yourself?

This course has allowed me to develop my skills. Most importantly I was able to develop my communication skills along with writing, and reading. The different assignments were very interesting because for every assignment different skills were needed. In order to accomplish my projects, I had to use my imagination on top of my writing skills and it brought out my creative side. These small things made the course interesting and fun for me.

What part of this course has impacted you the most in terms of your own communication?

Taking up Challenges and feeling more than satisfied on achieving them. When I started with this course, I was wondering regarding this course. My friends who were enrolled in the course told me that it was a lot harder than the previous one and a lot of them were failing or dropping out. Personally I think they were wrong because the course was definitely not as hard as they told me it would be. Even though some assignments might have been harder, I saw it as a challenge. I said to myself if it weren't for challenges, life would be too easy and boring. If ever I was stuck on an assignment I would seek for help from the teachers (Fordham, and Alexander, 1996). They helped me polish my assignments and therefore improving the quality of my work.

What would you like to change/develop personally, organizationally and inter-culturally?

Overall I would like to change the superstitious beliefs that are ingrained in people. It requires a level of 'self-awareness' and argues that is challenging as it requires the individual to question their own unconsciously-held beliefs and assumption. These beliefs and assumptions are often held and supported by the social institutions ...
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