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Communication Assignment

Communication Assignment

1.1 Theories of communication

Psychoanalytic theory

Sigmund Freud explained the model for internal world. The internal world was divided into three parts and they are id, ego and superego. Different instincts and drives control the life of an individual and a proper management is necessary between these drives. Id is present in a person by birth in the unconscious part of mind. The pleasure and pain part of the life is controlled by the id portion. Id is not able to decide about the right and wrong things of a person and it contains the basic instincts and drives.

Ego is present in the conscious part of the mind and it is the second portion of the personality. The main purpose of ego is to control the desires and the wishes of a person. This part can cater the realities of the world with activities and goals (pearce, n.d). The standards of life

With the help of superego, a standard in life can be determined by an individual, based on the moral principles which are responsible for creating two dissimilar feelings. An individual experiences a sense of achievement when the communal and parental instructions are followed, whereas guilt is experienced when such instructions are dishonored. Based on the theory, there are specific defense mechanisms which take place in the unconsciously and help in the avoidance of anxiety. These mechanisms are oppression, protuberance, response development, dislocation, sublimation, deterioration, validation, contradiction and recognition (Pearce, n.d).

Behavioral theory Skinner created the behavioral theory which was constructed on the basis of observations. The behavioral theory states that all the behaviors shown by an individual are either learned or adapted from the surroundings. According to the theory there is no concept of traits and the behaviors are learnt with the help of different stimuli. According to the theory, there are two types of learning the respondent learning do not needs an active participation and the involuntary responses can be conditioned (Kazantzis, Reinecke & Freeman, 2009).

The second type of learning is operant conditioning and the active participation of the person is involved in it. The feeling of reward is involved in the learnt behavior and it is different from the respondent conditioning and the voluntary responses are conditioned in it (Kazantzis, Reinecke & Freeman, 2009).

Cognitive theory

This theory is given by Piaget and it is associated with the intelligence and development of the human nature. The cognitive theory helps in gaining the knowledge and it also helps in the proper use of knowledge. It is further stated that the mental processes are organized with maturity and experience in the cognitive development of a person. In addition, this idea depends upon the language of humans and development (Huitt, 2003).

Humanistic theory

The humanistic theory is presented by Maslow and Rogers and the basic aims of the theory are fulfillment of personality and growth. Every individual grows psychologically and grooms himself. The psychological growth is also known as self actualization and this feeling gives satisfaction in ...
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