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Communication In Health And Social Care Settings

Communication In Health And Social Care Settings


In any organisation and in any health care and social settings, the communication plays its important role. It plays its fundamental role in achieving the aims and objectives. The good and healthy internal communication systems are the key to organisational success. The timely and accurate flow of information among the responsible authorities helps in making quality decisions. The adequate flow of information among all the departmental units helps in coordinating the departmental efforts and allows them to work in smooth manner.

The importance of the communication system further increases in the social and health care settings. The following section aims at discussing some of the questions that will help us to understand the factors that are linked and associated with that of the communication systems.


Question: 2.1

Explain how the communication process is influenced by values and cultural factors?

The cultural factors have significant impact upon the communication processes. In the societies or in the organisation, where there are people from different cultural backgrounds have different set of values and the communication styles. When the people with such different values and the different cultural factors try to communicate with each other, they are mostly engaged in the miscommunication or they cannot communicate all the things they want to communicate because of the differences in the values and the cultures. Therefore, the communication process is greatly influenced by the values and cultural factors.

Communication is the exchanging and sharing of meaningful information, ideas, and thoughts between the individuals or among the group of individuals or among various elements of an organisation or any social care settings. The different cultures and the values have different styles of communication. They have different styles of expressing the emotions and they possess different gestures that show different meanings. Therefore, when the communication with such differences is taken place, it influences the while communication processes. The sent information is perceived and interpreted in different manner and this aspect is the major route cause of the conflicts in the communication system. The occurrence of the errors in the communication system is also influenced by the values and cultural factors (Karen, B., 2009, pp. 228). Therefore, in the health and social care settings, there must be proper communication system that understands the differences in the values and the cultural systems so that the proper treatment and the services can be given.

Question: 2.2

Explain how legislation, charters and codes of practice impact on the communication process in health and social care.

The legislations, charters and the codes of conducts have significant impact upon the communication processes within the health and social care settings. As in the health care organisations as well as in the social care systems, the patients and people from diverse cultures take the services, they cannot interact that much efficiently with that of the service providers. In such cases, the legislations, charters and the codes of conducts play an important role in maintaining the effective communication ...
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