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The agency I work for is a health and social care charity working with individuals, families and communities across England and Wales that are affected by drugs, alcohol, crime, homelessness, domestic abuse and antisocial behaviour. The drug and Alcohol recovery services offer a pathway to recovery for adult challenged by the use of drugs or alcohol. They provide a range of intensive community -based support, treatment and rehabilitation services that are designed to meet individual needs and support the family and friends of services users.

Drug and alcohol misuse is linked with social work prominently in child protection cases where parents have a drug and alcohol dependency that impairs their capacity to parent. It is also looks at the behaviours of individual and uses different models to help individuals change their lives. It includes supporting individuals with mental health issues (dual diagnosis), assessments and interventions and referrals from schemes and prison. My role in the agency is a recovery worker; I carry assessments, key work one to one session, co-coordinate group actives and attend case conference. I support service users to recover from their substance misuse problems and have healthy crime free lives.

In this paper, we will focus on finding the impact of openness in communication on solving problem creatively. Basically, openness in communication invites people with genuine suggestion or ideas, people to speak with no fear and it also mean to increase the number of people to be communicated with. Therefore, by communicating in more open environment we improve the quality of suggestions that are required in solving problem. In this paper, we will use research papers, experiments and theories of different researchers or scientist to unfold the hidden factors that assist in solving problem creatively. Mankind use to face problems in almost every walk of life and try to solve it in their own manners. Here, we will describe that is creativity linked with openness of communication

Case study

Ruby is a 22 year old female with two boys age 3 and 4 and lives with current partner Ted. Ruby has had 6 different partners from the age of 15 and Alcohol and drug use appeared to have been involved in most of the relationships. She does not like to be on her own. Ted is a heavy cannabis smoker known to our services.

Ruby reports a difficult childhood. Her mum had crack addition but reported 10 year abstinence. She was voluntarily removed from the home at 10 years old and went to live with her uncle who allegedly sexually abused her. She then went to live with her mother and has a good relationship with her. She met her biological dad at the age of 13 and since formed a good relationship. Ruby admitted to smoking cannabis from when she was 15 on and off but never daily. She stated that she has take cocaine and other pills on different occasions. Ruby and Ted use of drugs had gotten worse in the last few months to a ...
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