Combined History 101& 102

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Combined History 101& 102

American Public University The Monroe Doctrine 101


As a nation in its infancy, the period of 1800's required formal mechanisms of foreign policy for successfully addressing the aspect of international relations within America. International relations cannot be ignored as they shape a proper development on the part of successful nations. For successfully incorporating the ideologies associated with expansion and international development, it had become vital for America at that time to have appropriate mechanisms and doctrines for shaping effective international relations. Thus, the role of Monroe Doctrine has been known to be a significant factor in shaping the interantional relations and laying a foundation as regards the foreign policy (Erikson, 2008).


The Monroe Doctrine had a substantial role to play in the sense that it eliminated all the uncertainties in the context of foreign policy and thus formal procedures were adopted with the practical implementation of The Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was a significant solution in terms of the foreign perspective of political affairs and thus was highly successful in shaping the foreign policy of not only 1800's but for the many years to come in future. The Monroe Doctrine provided the policy makers with a basis for showing the world how it dealt with its different foreign policy issues (Castañeda, 2009).

The aspect of colonialism had been highly prevalent in The Monroe Doctrine as it looked to allow America the legal right to acquire colonial lands. European colonialism had long influenced the political environment and thus America realized that it would be reasonable if they could also use the Monroe Doctrine for acquiring the mexican lands as they were termed as colonial possessions. With such a step, the massive threat associated with European colonialism could be greatly minimized. It would not only allow America to acquire the colonial lands but would also result in huge protection from the inadequacies of foreign countries (Erikson, 2008).

The Monroe Doctrine allowed America the full right to exercise complete authority over the territories which it thought to colonialize. Since European countries used to colonialize American territories, the American politicians termed it prudent to use the Monroe Doctrine for minimizing the aspect of European colonialization. The influence of foreign powers was increasing at a rapid pace and thus it was the need of the hour at that time to have some protection in the form of Monroe Doctrine (Castañeda, 2009).


The Monroe Doctrine was highly popular in the later governements as well. For instance, reign of John F Kennedy witnessed the increased existence of The Monroe Doctrine. John F Kennedy also asserted the importance of The Monroe Doctrine in the protection from foreign influences. The American Foreign Policy would not have been complete without the adoption of The Monroe Doctrine. It successfully represents a rationale for the colonialization that was to be conducted by America. The Monroe Doctrine was a huge threat for the European countries in their quest of colonializing American territories. The Monroe Doctrine also contained the nature of ...
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